Be sure soil is at field capacity or record moisture content reading from the Turf-Tec Moisture
Sensor in percent of soil moisture.
Press On/Off to power up the meter.
Insert Stainless steel probe tip into the soil to the desired depth.
Hold probe still as possible.
Wait for reading to stabilize (Stable 3 seconds)
Repeat for each one inch increment.
SME Measurement
Saturated Media Extract (SME) Measurements
Growth media used in most greenhouse operations is high in organic material and processed materials and
low in mineral soil. These materials are easier to handle, are well aerated and have good moisture-
holding properties but have limited ability to retain nutrients. Therefore, tests developed for field soils do
not always yield meaningful results. Saturated Media Extract (SME) analysis has been shown to
eliminate these problems. The samples should not be fired, sieved or pulverized as this will affect the
growth medium properties and alter the results. Traditionally, the soil solution from the saturated
medium is extracted by a vacuum pump. However, the Field Scout Soil & Water EC Meter allows the
saturated sample to be tested directly.
Moisten the media sample with distilled water to reach a consistent “saturated” moisture level.
When saturated, the media should glisten and slide from the mixing spatula with little or no free
Wait 15 minutes and add more water if needed. The sample should have the consistency of a
paste with slightly more water than if the media was in a pot and fully irrigated.
Press On/Off button to power up the meter.
Insert the probe tip into the media and read the results.
Liquid Measurement/Other Functions
Water (Liquid) Measurements
The Field Scout Soil & Water EC Meter can also measure the EC of liquids. Simply dip the electrode tip
into the solution and wait for the reading to stabilize (a stable reading occurs when the readout has not
changed for 3 seconds).
Converting Meter Readings to PPM
To convert ms/cm to Parts per Million (PPM) simply take the meter reading and multiply it by 640.
Example 2.75 mc/cm X 640 = 1760 ppm
Other Functions
Pressing the HOLD key will freeze the display. Press HOLD again to release.
Temperature Measurement
If the temperature of the sample is desired, press the MODE key to toggle between displaying
temperature (C) and conductivity on the LCD.