B1406 13
www.turck.com • Phone: 763-553-7300 • Application Support: 1-800-544-7769 • Fax: 763-553-0708 • Turck Minneapolis, MN 55441
www.turck.com • Phone: 763-553-7300 • Application Support: 1-800-544-7769 • Fax: 763-553-0708 • Turck Minneapolis, MN 55441
Chapter 3: Wiring Connections (Continued)
The LTX R10 SSI can be configured increasing, decreasing, position, or velocity. Option “F” (Measure Direction Forward) will
increase counts as the magnet moves from the head of the LDT to the tip. Option “R” will be exactly opposite. The zero posi-
tion will be located in the mounting threads. This is an area where it is physically impossible to detect a magnetic signal. If the
LTX R10 SSI is in the “Measure Direction Reverse” option, the zero point will be at the far tip of the LDT, again a position that
the magnet cannot be detected. If the velocity option is selected, the unit will output velocity and not displacement.
The resolution of the positional output is selectable in the part number and can be ordered in English (Imperial) or metric
units. Selections 1 thru B are valid options. Refer to section 3.5 Part Number Key for further details.
3.2 Features
Automatic Gain Control
The Automatic Gain Control feature will automatically search and find the magnet on power up. If power is applied without
a magnet on the EZ-track, the LED will turn RED indicating no magnet signal is detected. Turn power off and place magnet
within the active stroke area. Re-apply power.
The LTX R10 SSI is equipped with a tri-color LED next to the connector to help while troubleshooting. The chart below
explains the possible LED colors and the faults they represent.
If there is ever a loss of magnet, the LED will turn red and the unit will transmit a position of zero.
LTX R10 LED Output Summary
Flashing Red
Flash memory corrupt
Flashing Red/Green
EE memory corrupt
Flashing Yellow
Communication/programming mode
Fast Flashing Yellow
Clock input held asserted at power up
Solid Red
No magnet signal detected
Green/Red Blip (1s to 0.12s)
Max Gain but signal detected and within
Solid Green
Normal probe operation; magnet signal
and SSI clock operational
Solid Yellow
No SSI clock pulses detected
Yellow/Red Blip (1s to 0.12s)
SSI clock pulses do not match
EZ-track SSI data length
Green/Yellow Blip (1s to
EZ-track data not synchronous with
(if EZ-track is programmed for synchro-
nous mode)
Alarm Bit
The LTX R10 can be configured to output a fault bit should there be a problem with the EZ-track. Consult Factory.