Appendix 1 - Oven Door Reversal
Remove Screw
and Retaining
Reversing the Oven Door
Refit all screw fasteners using a low-mid strength thread
locking adhesive unless otherwise stated.
Door reversal should only be carried out by a suitably
competent person.
Remove the Oven Door Inner Glass.
1. Open the oven door and open the
door inner glass.
2. Remove screw securing inner
glass retaining clip and remove
3. Lift up inner glass and remove,
ensuring that pivot spacer is
removed from lower inner glass
pivot and retained.
4. Remove black plastic plugs from
top and bottom of door and fit to
holes where inner glass pivots
were removed from.
Remove the Oven Door.
5. Remove the door roller catch and blanking plate from the
inside of the door and swap these over.
6. Whilst supporting door, unscrew
and remove top door pivot bolt
from top door hinge assembly.
7. Remove door and lay on a flat
surface or workbench.
8. Unscrew screws securing the door
handle remove door handle.
9. Remove top door hinge and fit to
bottom opposite corner of door.
10. Remove bottom door hinge and fit
to top opposite corner of door.
Fit Blanking Plugs.
Remove Top
Door Pivot Bolt.
Remove Top Door Hinge
Remove Handle
Securing Screws
Swap Roller Catch and
Blanking Plate over.
11. Remove inner glass latching
studs and fit to opposite side
of door using Loctite 243 or
similar to secure.
12. Turn door handle over and fit to other end of door where
hinges were removed from. Ensure Flat of handle is to the
Remove Upper and Lower Door Hinges and Door Catch.
13. Remove bottom door pivot
bolt and spacers and fit
pivot bolt to top door hinge
assembly (as this will be
swapped over and fitted to
bottom of other side of
14. Remove the 4 blanking screws
from front of oven.
15. Remove Hinge Plate from top of
oven and fit diagonally
opposite, to lower corner.
16. Remove Hinge Plate from
bottom of oven and fit
diagonally opposite, to upper
17. Fit screws removed at Item 14
above to where hinges were
Remove these screws to remove
top and bottom hinges.
Bottom Door Pivot
Bolt and Spacers.
Remove screws top and bottom
and fit to where hinges removed
Remove Latching Studs