Failure: The pump does not operate. The LED on the pump channel is not lit, although it should
be lit.
Failure: The pump does not operate. The LED on the pump channel is not lit, although it should be lit.
Failure: The pump does not „pulse“ during the day.
Cause: The photo-electric cell does not pick up enough light; it is soiled or mounted in a wrong way.
Remedy: Clean the photo-electric cell, and re-mount, if and when necessary.
Failure: The green LEDs are lit, but the pumps connected do not operate.
Cause: The pump is defective.
Remedy: Check the parts, and repair or replace, if and when necessary.
Cause: The Multicontroller is defective.
Remedy: Check the Multicontroller, and repair, if and when necessary. Clean any corroded contacts
on the sockets.