Programming and user guide
D6707281F Page 18 of 24
Send to PC
The unit’s history can be downloaded to a PC using the Care
Assist Download Logger which is a program available on
standard Windows based PCs. The program is available from
Step 1
– Connect the CareAssist to your PC using the PC
download lead (see accessories) and a USB to RS232
adaptor (if required).
Step 2
– Go to the ‘Start’ menu on your PC, and within the
search box type “care assist”. Select the Care Assist Log
Downloader from the results and the program will open.
Step 3
– In the “Settings” option of the Care
Assist Log Downloader ensure that the
correct COM port is selected.
Step 4
–To establish which COM port your
PC is using.
Open your PC’s Control Panel and select Device
Scroll down to Ports (COM & LPT)
and click on the + symbol, check
which COM port is being used
(example COM5 is the port being used
for the USB to RS232 adapter). Now
close the device manager.