T U N A P. C O M
SI 929_0120
The specifications provided in this Service Information sheet are the results of careful analysis. Any application-related specifications shall be viewed as recommen-
dations based on past experiences. Due to the wide variety of applications and work methods, we are unable to provide binding specifications. Therefore, there exists
no contractual legal relationship, nor will secondary obligations arise from any purchase contracts. Only the most recent version of the Service Information sheet
retains its validity.
TUNAP GmbH & Co. KG | D-82515 Wolfratshausen | Tel. 08171 / 16 00 – 0 | [email protected] | www.tunap.com
Check the pressure gauge, there should be at least still 2-bar of pressure. If necessary, close the compressed air shut-off valve a
little. Now open slowly the stopcock of the cleaner until you see white foam inside of the transparent hose. One can will take in
between for 15 to 20 min. The can is completely empty when opening the stopcock of the cleaner completely and no liquid comes
out. Afterwards close the stopcock of the cleaner but let the air run for up to 30 seconds, then close the pressure regulator com-
pletely pic. 13. Stop the engine, remove the empty can 929 Secondary air cleaner in the reverse procedure of the steps 1 and 2 of
this instruction.
Now apply the same procedure as described in step 1 to 7 with a second can of 929 Secondary air system cleaner. Then repeat
the process with the 930 Neutralization solution secondary air pic. 14.
Should there be a second cylinder head, repeat the procedure for it as described in step 1 to 8.
After the complete cleaning procedure remove the complete Tool Secondary-Air Cleaning and reconnect the housings from the
secondary air system of the engine.
Check the fault codes and erase them if there are some registered.
With an adequate scanner check the functionality of the secondary air system and revise the effectivity of the cleaning procedure.