CK 3000, CK 4000
Picture 10. Bottom valve lever in position 2. To empty the hopper, turn lever over position 4.
Rotate the feeder some turns in order to make the seed left on the feeding rollers to flow down.
Swing the bottom valves quickly by means of the lever a couple of times in order to make the seeds
left on the valves to flow down.
If the hopper is emptied by using the calibration test troughs the procedure is principally the same
as described above. If there is much of seed left in the hopper the lever of the bottom valves must
be shut for the time the troughs are being emptied.
When you have almost finished sowing it is no use to fill the hopper but with as much seed as
necessary. This makes it easier to empty the hopper after sowing.
The feeding system consists of feeding rollers, spring-loaded bottom valves and adjustable locking
plates (picture 11).
Picture 11. Feeding system.
Feeding chambers are situated in the bottom of the hopper. Thus the sown amount stays practically
constant in spite of inclinations in lateral or driving directions.