9 Adjustment
When making gang adjustments, be careful to
keep hands and feet clear of sliding parts and
possible pinch points.
The gang angles on the T4X series disc are
adjustable. The unit should be lifted two to three
inches off the ground with the tractor hitch sys-
tem for an easier adjustment. Remove cotter
key and then pin and set angle at the desired
setting. Make sure that the pin and cotter key is
replaced properly after setting to secure the
gang angles. (See photos below)
It is important that only one adjustment be made
at a time and then tried between each adjust-
ment. Remember each adjustment affects
another; therefore, extreme care should be
used when adjusting.
Each trial run should be made with the tractor in
the same gear and approximately the same
RPM. Changing discing speed while attempting
to adjust will result in excessive time and labor
loss due to changing conditions.
While making your initial run, observe the disc
closely as it is traveling. It should be level from
the front to rear as it travels. If not, level it by
adjustment of your tractor top link. After making
the necessary adjustment, the disc should pull
level with both front and rear gangs penetrating
the soil at approximately the same depth.
Now observe the soil behind the disc. It should
be level and smooth. If after making the above
adjustments, the disc leaves a water furrow in
the center, it would indicate that the front gangs
are more aggressive than the rear gangs. To
correct this, either increase the angle of the rear
gangs or decrease the angle of the front gangs.
Conversely, if the disc is ridging, that is leaving
a ridge behind it, this would indicate that the
rear gang is more aggressive than the front
gang. To correct this, either decrease the angle
of the rear gang or increase the angle of the
front gangs.
Adjusting Gang Angle