Pro Series Safety Winch
Operator’s Manual
October 18, 2011, Rev 05
Figure 9, Wire Rope Construction
The lay length is defined as the distance along the wire rope that it takes a strand to completely move
around the core (see Figure 10).
Figure 10, Lay Length
These terms are used to define the criteria for accepting or rejecting a wire rope winch line for continued
service. Wire Rope Inspection Procedure
-Have a helper slowly crank the winch so as to pay out the entire length of the wire rope while maintaining
approximately 33 lbs (15kg) tension on the line. Use a stiff wire brush to clean any built up lubricant and
other contaminants from the cable as you are winding it off the drum. Carefully inspect the attachment
point of the wire rope to the winch drum for any wear, fraying, loose fittings, or other damage.
- Wear heavy gloves to prevent injury from any loose or broken wires, and inspect the wire rope along its
entire length by running it through your hands while visually checking its condition. Flexing the cable can
help expose hidden damage. Look for any of the types of damage as shown in Figures 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15:
Figure 10, Core Protrusion, Indicating Shock Loading