Noise and Metal
The original 606 uses white noise for the Snare Drum and a
‘Metal’ sound for the Hihats and Cymbal. We added a third
XOR ringmod sound source and you can select between all
three sounds for each instrument.
The white noise is generated digitally and can be reduced in
quality for extra lofi bit-crushing instruments. This can be
controlled via the Noise Tune knob and with the N.Tune CV-
At the highest quality setting, the noise emulates the original
606 noise distribution and frequency spectrum using a DSP
Cymbal and Hihats originally use a metal sound created by
mixing six square-wave oscillators with specific frequencies.
The parameter Metal Tune allows you to change the pitch of
these oscillators up or down. With Metal Spread you can
change the relative pitch of the oscillators. Turn the knob to
the very left and all oscillators have the same pitch, in the
middle you get the original pitch difference and from there
you can increase the spread even more.Both parameters
can also be controlled via CV inputs, the Tune CV is 1/Oct
compatible, which means you can play the metal sound in
And even more is possible via MIDI
(See Midi chapter below)
Trigger lengths
Incoming triggers will be internally shortened to 1.2ms to
ensure proper sounding instruments. Amplitude and shape
of the triggers are maintained, however. For the cymbal, this
pulse shaper can be disabled, allowing complete control of
the Cymbal sound. Shorter pulses also sound interesting
and are worth a try. Our MIDI velocity implementation uses
shorter pulse lengths to create dynamics.