TTL Luftschleieranlagen - Controller UBT2-E
4. Qick -start guide
Connect the control lines resp. check them
air curtain unit — controller UBT-E
air curtain unit — automatic contact (if possibly)
air curtain unit — room temperature sensor (if possibly)
If necesarry. control lines at groupings
Switch-ON main power supply for air curtain unit(s)
Switch-ON power supply for air curtain unit(s)
Operating via TTL - UBT2-E controller
Selection of operating mode:
• push Mode button
• select desired mode by central multifunctional wheel
operating modes Manual / Automatic modes AutoTK / AutoTA / AutoRT
perating modes AutoTK / AutoTA / AutoRT
Check or adjust of parameters/Values with multifunctional wheel, like:
• adjusted step for air volume performance
• adjusted heating step
• adjusted step for overrun time for anti-cooling protection
(after closing door, if door contact closed)
• adjusted switching times in case of additional use of a timer
(if room temperature sensor or door contact connected)
Checking resp. setup of secondary and additional operating parameters like
• adjustment of the room thermostate (if connected) to the local conditions