To activate or deactivate the Monitor press the Squelch Control and
Monitor button for about 2 seconds. The Monitor icon will appear when
the Monitor is active. It is normal to hear background static noise.
Keypad Lock
To toggle the key lock, press and hold the Keypad Lock button.
The keypad lock icon appears when the lock is activated.
Channel 16
The channel 16 (Distress channel) is used to initially contact another
radio station for emergency communications. This channel is
automatically monitored during Dual Watch and Triple Watch. Upon
stand-by, you must monitor the channel 16.
Last Channel Memory (LCM)
The channel that was just previously used is memorized every time
and you can visit the channel pressing and holding the Menu and LCM
button. To deactivate this function, press and hold this button again.
Dual Watch and Triple Watch Mode
Dual Watch mode
allows you to monitor two channels; a primary
channel and the dual watch channel. The dual watch channel must be
the channel 16 in any case and this is preset by factory default. When
a signal is received on either channel the unit will pause for about 5
seconds before resuming the dual watch.
To activate the dual watch mode, first select a radio channel (see
Channels) as the primary channel. Press the Dual Watch and Triple
Watch button briefly.
The radio display will alternate between the primary and the channel
16 and the dual watch icon will appear.
To deactivate the dual watch press the Dual Watch and Triple Watch
button briefly again.
Triple Watch mode
allows you to monitor three channels; a primary
channel, the dual watch channel(Channel 16) and the third channel
that you can select in the function menu. A selected priority channel is
working as the third channel. If the third channel(one priority channel)
has not been selected, the triple watch will not start with an error