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Mixing and Filling
The following steps are given as a guide for mixing and filling your trailer sprayer.
• Read the product label and follow all directions carefully, taking special care
with regard to the order in which the products are added to the tank.
• Calibrate the sprayer according to recognized calibration method using water
only. Calibration must be done with the nozzle tip that has been selected for the
spraying task.
• Measure out the correct quantities of pesticides, using clean measuring jugs
used only for this purpose.
• Half fill the sprayer with clean water and then add the measured pesticide/
• Rinse out the measuring jug and empty container and pout all rinsings into the
spray tank. Agitate by stirring with a suitable round edged paddle.
• Top up the tank with water to the required level, ensure that the tank is not over-
filled and the outside is clean and dry before handling.
• Safely dispose of empty containers in compliance with current regulations
• Mixing sites must be well away from watercourses and other environmental
sensitive areas. Children and animals must be kept away.
Accurate calibration is an essential of any spraying function as it ensures that
the chemical is applied at the rate intended on the product label. Application in
excess of the recommended rate is prohibited, can damage plants/foliage and is
Calibration must always be carried out:
• When spraying for the first time with new spray equipment
• At the beginning of each season
• After changes of nozzle tips, spraying pressures or speed
• After every 100 hectares of spraying
When calibrating a sprayer, a minimum of coverall, gloves and boots must be worn.
A face shield and PVC apron may be included depending on the task and the
cleanliness of the equipment.