After use, the sprayer must be thoroughly decontaminated, inside and outside – including
pump, hoses, boom and hand lance – to avoid damage to crops from harmful spray residues.
Decontamination prevents sprayer corrosion and abrasion. As a guide follow the decontamination
procedure below.
• After spraying, rinse out the tank with several changes of water plus a recommended
cleaning fluid, brushing the inside of the tank.
• The suction filter mounted on the sprayer frame must be cleaned regularly. Unscrew the filter
cover and remove the filter screen and remove the filter screen and gasket. Soak in clean
water, brushing with a nozzle brush.
• Ensure gasket is in position when re-assembling.
• The filter basket strainer is removed by lifting it out of the filter ring. Clean the basket strainer
the same way as the suction filter. Replace the basket strainer by exerting a quick downward
push ensuring the strainer has seated correctly.
• Nozzles, nozzle filters, nozzle caps and gaskets should be cleaned by soaking in water,
brushing with a nozzle brush and allowed to dry. Never blow through the nozzles with your
mouth nor use wire or pins to clear any blockages.
• When re-assembling ensure that the nozzle cap gasket is correctly positioned.
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