6. Phone Book
Storing, Searching and Deleting Numbers in the
Phone Book
Phone numbers can be stored on the phone or the SIM
The phone symbol indicates that the contact is saved
in the phone. The SIM card symbol indicates that the
contact is saved on the SIM card.
You can store up to 1000 entries in the phone memory.
To Add a New Contact to the Phone Book
1. Press the M1 key to access the menu.
2. Press up or down key until “Phone Book” appears.
3. Select the option “Phone Book” by pressing the
M1 key.
4. Press the up or down key until the “Add New
Contact” option displays.
5. Press the M1 key twice.
6. Here you can select where you would like to save the
number. You can choose either on the Sim card or to
the phone. To select Press the M1 key.