STEP 5: Locate the two (2) arm rests. NOTE: Install the two (2) arm rests onto the bottom holes on seat back braces. Install the
arm rests onto the seat brackets (on the OUTSIDE) by running a ¼ x 3” bolt through the arm rests and the seat bracket and
then through the seat back braces as shown in Figure 20. Secure using four (4) steel washers and two (2) locknuts. DO NOT
STEP 6: Locate the seat. Slip the loose, nylon seat back over the two upright seat back braces as shown in Figure 21.
STEP 7: Install the lower seat frame to the upper hole on the seat back braces using two (2) ¼ x 1 3/4” bolts, four steel wash-
ers and four (4) nylon washers. NOTE: Place the nylon washers in-between all steel surfaces which may cause noise when the
seat is lifted during in the field use as shown in Figure 22.
STEP 8: Rotate the arm rests into position and secure using two (2) ¼ x 2 ¼” bolts, four (4) steel washers and two (2) locknuts
as shown in Figure 23.
STEP 9: Locate the footrest. Install the footrest onto the seat brackets using two (2) ¼ x 2 ¼” bolts, four steel washers, and four
(4) nylon washers as shown in Figure 24.
Figure 22
Install Lower Seat Frame to Seat Braces
Figure 23
Rotate Arm Rests Into Position and Install
Figure 24
Install the Footrest
Figure 25
Assemble Shooting Rest
Figure 26
Install Shooting Rest Onto Arm Rests
Figure 27
Install Top Ladder Section Onto Top Ladder
Section Brackets