The counter is like a calculator - it does
not give false readings under normal
Check the equation being used is
correct and the calibration has been
correctly set. (Zeroed).
Cover Equations
In New Zealand there are a number of
standard equations published by
various organisations. These reflect
regional pasture types. If you wish to
change an equation or select alternative
species you will need to contact your
consultant. Traditionally the equation of
height X 158 plus 200 was used
however there has been a series of
equations produced to reflect changes
in pasture types and physiological state
(vegetative, flowering, seed head)
which can alter DM levels in the
A more accurate calibration can be
achieved by taking cuttings or your
consultant may be able to advise you
on the most appropriate equation for
your situation. This particularly applies
to pastures under irrigation.
Check which equation you are using.