Identify and separate the driver and passenger side front and rear Mounting Brackets. Start installation on
the driver / left side of the vehicle.
Remove the plastic side skirt in order to reveal the holes for the brackets to screw into.
In the case of rust, ensure that you clean the chassis / bottom of the vehicle.
Figure 1: Holes revealed once Side Skirt removed
Start from the front and move your way to the rear and ensure that the hex bolts are loose and not fully
tightened. (
Please make sure that you do not fully tighten the bolts until the last step
Figure 2: Front Bracket
Figure 3: Middle Bracket
Figure 4: Rear Bracket
For the holes indicated in red circles / circles; ensure that you have 3 sets of
8mm T-Slot Nuts, 8mm x
19mm Hex Bolts, 8mm Bolt Nuts, 8mm Flat Washers,
8mm Lock Washers.
These will help lock each
bracket in place on the vehicle.
For the holes indicated with the yellow triangle / triangle; ensure that you keep the original bolts / screws
/ nuts that came with the car. Use them to lock the brackets in place.