General Information
General Information
For reasons of better legibility, gender-neutral form of address (e. g. "he/she") are not used in the operating
manual. It is expressly stated that in all text passages where natural persons or groups of persons are
mentioned, people of both sexes are always meant.
Information about this manual
Before beginning any work on the machine, read this manual completely and carefully.
Keep the manual for further consultation close to the machine.
This manual describes how to operate the machine properly and safely. Be sure to follow the safety
instructions given here, as well as any local accident prevention regulations and general safety regulations
applicable to the field of usage. Before beginning any work on the machine, ensure that the manual, in
particular the chapter entitled "Safety Information" and the respective safety guidelines, has been read in its
entirety and fully understood.
Storage of the manual
This manual is an integral part of the machine and must therefore be kept in the direct vicinity of the machine
and be accessible at all times.
Complementary documentation
Complementary documentation can be found on the supplied DVD.
Software manual
Trotec Laser GmbH JobControl®
ENGLISH (Translation)