Troglotech T804 User Manual SD VERSION Page 9
key is used
when Text needs to be altered, this
button toggles between EDIT and
VIEW modes. The Text can be
cleared from the screen by us-
ing the CLEAR button, this tog-
gles between Text and No Text
When the Text
Writer is in
EDIT mode
‘Upper case/
Lower case’ symbol appears at the
bottom of the screen next to the Page
number and the cursor will flash in the
TEXT area. When the Text Writer is in
VIEW mode
the ‘Upper case/
Lower case’ symbol will disappear
and the cursor will not be shown in the
TEXT area. The picture above shows
that the Text Writer is in EDIT mode. If
the Text Writer was in VIEW mode the
‘Upper/Lower case’ arrow would not
be shown.
V4 only -The lower status
line will show ‘Textwriter VIEW
mode’ and ‘Textwriter EDIT mode’
The ‘
Status line messages
’ area is
used for giving the operator informa-
tion such as ‘Calibrate Counter’ and
‘Counter Calibrated’. This area is also
used to send messages to the opera-
tor when using the Text Writer.
The ‘Rod Counter’, ‘Time’ and ‘Date’
can be displayed or hidden using the
keys. These toggle the
The position of these displays is fixed
and cannot be altered, they always
appear on the top line in the same
The Textwriter starts with the Rod
Counter, Time & Date and the Text
from Page 1 displayed
Use the keys shown here to hide or
display the Rod Counter, Time &
Date and the Text