For optional operation with a conventional
DC power pack, Trix Selectrix, or Digital systems
conforming with the NMRA standards (DCC).
The mode of operation is automatically recognized.
Particularly smooth control of running charac-
Particularly quite motor operation.
Different control variables for optimal adaptation
to the motor.
127 speed levels internally.
Block operation with simple diodes in Selectrix
Short circuit protection for the motor outputs.
Overload protection for lights and auxiliary function.
Electronic interchangeability of the connections.
NEM 650 connector.
4-Pole SUSI connector for hooking up to
3 expansion modules in DCC operation.
Technical Specifications
Dimensions (L x B, without connections)
24.2 x 15.4 mm / 19/20” x 3/5”
Max. load at the motor outputs
2.0 amp
Max. load at the light outputs
300 milliamps
Max. load for auxiliary function
50 milliamps
Max. total load
1.0 amp
Function output, lights
300 milliamps
Function output, horn
50 milliamps
Total load, including
SUSI connector
2.0 amp
Care and Maintenance
The 66837 decoder does not require any special
care and maintenance. Controlling the motor with
pulse width electronics will however create a higher
load for the windings and the brushes for the motor
than with normal DC power operation. For this reason
regular care and maintenance of the motor is a must.
After no more than 50 hours of operation, the entire
locomotive frame including the decoder should be
cleaned. A thorough cleaning should also be done
before the usual lubrication work.