TRITON Extreme
B016 A Real Flute
Knob 3 increases exciter/enhancer effect for more “breath”
B008 Nu ‘coustic Bass
Velocity brings rich acoustic “realness” to this great new sample! ValveForce adds warmth!
A000 The Piano
The new piano in a Combi – play w/ velocity to bring in brightness! Turn Arp ON and groove!
A001 Film Sound Track
Play soft across the keyboard, and then use velocity to bring in the rest of the orchestra!
A003 IBIZA Sunrise
Switch 1 and Joystick –Y for drum arps control / ARP Gate and Velo knobs too!
B005 Groovin ‘A’ Bass
New Acoustic Bass jams! Switch 1, Joystick –Y, Knobs 1-4…mix it up man you so funky!
Valve Force Technology
That cool blue glow behind the 12AU7 tube in your TRITON Extreme… comes on automatically for some
sounds, but is off when selecting others…many of the Programs and Combinations have been
programmed so that Valve Force kicks-in whenever you select certain sounds, but you can turn the tube
on (or off) whenever you like – just press the
key (it will light), and then press the
key until the LED left of the
lights. Now you’ve
got control of tube INPUT TRIM, ULTRA BOOST, TUBE GAIN and OUTPUT LEVEL knobs. Be careful not to
over-boost these controls! Rotate them all the way left at first, and then slowly increase them as you
play or trigger an arp pattern, until you’re satisfied with the settings.
You can view and edit the Valve Force parameters in Program, Combi and Sequence modes - in the Master
Effects page: MENU key > “P9: Edit-Master Effect” > “VALVE FORCE” tab. You can also access these
parameters in Sampling mode: MENU key > “P9: VALVE FORCE”.
So what’s Valve Force Technology all about? Why is Korg introducing it on so many products including
the Electribe EMX1 and ESX1? Vacuum tubes produce rich harmonics and smooth distortion, depending
on how they are used. In the TRITON Extreme, the tube can be used as an insert effect or placed just
before the final output – and you can connect an electric guitar, mic, another synth or keyboard, etc. to
the Extreme’s audio inputs and process…even sample or In-Track sample external devices through the
tube! Anyway you apply Valve Force processing, it can add everything from subtle warmth to piano or
acoustic bass sounds, to a nasty “snarl” or “drive” to synth basses, drum arpeggio patterns and many
other elements of your music production!
Try these Valve Force-infused sounds:
Make sure that the
key is
and the
key is set to the
Valve Force Tips
B006 Heavy Lead Gt.
Distortion guitar e Valve Force / VALVE FORCE knobs!
B032 Electro Kit 2
Play to trigger arp pattern > Turn VALVE FORCE ON and work with VALVE FORCE knobs!
B034 Nu A. Guitar
Valve Force adds “body” and authenticity - try subtle increases in ULTRA BOOST and TUBE GAIN
H060 Hip Hop Sub
Turn VALVE FORCE ON and work with VALVE FORCE knobs!
Valve Force Tips
B016 Hip Hop Clav 2
Drums routed to tube: Trigger arp, and then work with VALVE FORCE knobs!
C008 Analog 101
Turn VALVE FORCE ON and work with VALVE FORCE knobs!
J031 Breaks Step
Valve Force processing is on final output stage
M053 Temporal Lobe
Wacky FX Kit on timbre 6 assigned to Valve Force
Arpeggiator mode
The TRITON Extreme includes dual polyphonic arpeggiators, fully editable and syncable to MIDI clock.
One Program uses a single arpeggio pattern - Combi or Sequence modes can use up to two arpeggio
patterns at once. There are 512 memory locations (5 preset, 365 preloaded / 507 programmable).