TRIRIDE s.r.l.
Pag. 41 di 49
14.2 Authorised Technical Support
14.3 Checking Tire Pressure and Changing the Tire
14.4 Check the Tightening Torque
14.5 Brake Check
Ensure that your Triride is always kept in good conditi on, with the necessary care and maintenance carried
out by trained and qualifi ed personnel of the Authorised Technical Service.
For all problems, contact the Authorised Technical Service directly, indicati ng the serial number that
uniquely identi fi es each appliance, found on the label on the Triride frame.
You can contact your dealer or Triride Customer Service directly via the contact informati on on the back
of this manual.
Following installati on, to guarantee your personal safety and maintain correct functi oning of Triride, always
check that the ti re pressure corresponds to what is indicated in this manual (Tab. secti on 9.1) and that the
ti res are in perfect conditi on and do not have surface irregulariti es.
To change the ti re, contact the Authorised Technical Service or TRIRIDE S.R.L. or a centre specialised in
maintenance for bicycles and motorcycles.
Check that the screws and connecti ons are fi rmly ti ghtened. The ti ghtening torque for the screws is:
M5 screws: 7 Nm
M8 screws: 15 Nm
M6 screws: 10 Nm
Check that when the brakes are acti vated, the disk is pressed suffi ciently by the brake pad for eff ecti ve
When a Triride device is sent to the company for maintenance or breakdown assistance, a
general check of the structural and wear parts will be carried out automati cally to ensure their
It should be noted that no extra work will be carried out from those commissioned, unless specifi cally
authorized by the customer, however, if the customer refuses to perform indispensable and mandatory
works (eg brake pads, brake discs, bearings, damaged structural parts, ti res, etc. ) for the safety of the
device, the company will issue a declarati on of decline of responsibility and invalidity of the warranty
even on the work already carried out, as this is a clear negligence on the part of the user and non-
compliance with the provisions of this manual.