SIXpack 2 – Manual (V1.10 / January 29
, 2010)
Start-up with software SQPack
After adjusting the necessary hardware of the SIXpack 2 the first function tests with the Windows
SQPack can be done.
The installation of the program SQPack is accomplished by copying the file “SQPack.exe” to any location on your
PCs hard disc. At first start the file “SQPack.ini” is created to save actual settings. To reset the settings of the
software simply remove this file.
To initiate the program double click “SQPack.exe”. A window with nine tabs is opened. In front is the tab
“Connection”. To establish a connection to the SIXpack 2 choose the correct COM-Port. The other settings should be
at necessary values.
1. step:
COM port
2. step:
SIXpack II adress
(see Hex switches)
3. step:
establish connection
Figure 5.5: Setup of SQPack
Functional test: Get system information of SIXpack 2
To check the connection the command
is useful. Choose the tab “Others” and activate in box
“Commands” the line “$43: Get Unit Information”. If the connection settings are done correctly it is possible to
click the button “Send” at the bottom of the window to transfer the command to the SIXpack 2. If a connection is
established the values for “Firmware Revision”, “Reset Flag”, “Temperature” and “S/N” are displayed in the box
“First steps”: Movement of motor
The significant advantage of stepper motors is to turn to a specific position. The motor is accelerated by the
SIXpack 2 to an assigned velocity and decelerated in time to reach the specified position.
Therefore choose on the tab “Movement” the command “Ramp”. The variable “Position” represents the exact target
position. By clicking the “Send” button the motor turns to the specified position.
Concept of SIXpack 2 interface protocol
The SIXpack 2 is controlled by frames of 9 byte generally. The software SQPack displays this frames in the lower
part of the window next to the “Send” button. The nine bytes are shown hexadecimal.
At start it is easiest to create the frames by software and add these eventually to an own program.