4 2 G l o s s a r y
expansion cards. Originally designed by Intel as a local bus,
PCI is now relatively independent of microprocessor design.
Plug and Play (PnP). Plug and Play is both a design
philosophy and a set of computer architecture specifications.
The aim of PnP is to design intelligence into the computer to
handle installation and configuration tasks without user
intervention. The system itself determines the optimal
configuration, and applications automatically adjust to take
full advantage of the new configuration. PnP requires a PnP-
aware BIOS, operating system and devices (which can
include expansion cards and motherboard devices). The more
recent ACPI specification (q.v.) extends the functionality of
PnP-aware operating systems.
Rivscrew™. A proprietary fastening that combines the speed
of placement of a rivet with the ease of removal of a screw.
Requires special tools to insert and remove.
SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random Access
Memory). A generic name for various kinds of memory that
are synchronised with the clock speed for which the processor
is optimised. This tends to increase the number of instructions
that the processor can perform in a given time. The speed of
SDRAM is rated in MHz rather than in nanoseconds.
SECC (Single Edge Contact Cartridge). Packaging used for
original Pentium
II processors. The substrate is entirely
enclosed in a plastic cover with thermal plate. Gradually
superseded by SECC2 packaging.
SECC2. Packaging used for later Pentium
II and Pentium
III processors. Has a plastic cover on one side only. The
II SECC2 package has two variants: PLGA (Plastic
Land Grid Array) and the more recent OLGA (Organic Land
Grid Array).
SEPP (Single Edge Processor Package). Packaging used for
Celeron™ processors.
UltraDMA/33. A protocol for transferring data between a
hard disk drive and the computer’s memory. The Ultra
DMA/33 protocol transfers data in burst mode at a rate of
33.3 megabytes per second, twice as fast as the previous
Direct Memory Access (DMA) interface.