– MCT059 –
The meteorological conditions of your measurement instrument are defined in the specifications of this notice. Cli-
mate and environmental conditions restrict the specifications of your Field Strength Measurer (MDC). TRIAX checks
the characteristics of each appliance one by one on an automatic bench during its manufacture. The adjustment and
control are guaranteed under conditions of the ISO9001 certification by facilities in connection with the COFRAC (or
equivalent in the context of ILAC reciprocity).
The specified characteristics are considered stable for a period of 12 months from the first use under normal condi-
tions of use.
We recommend a check after 12 months and max. 24 months of use, then every 12 months after 24 months.
For any check of the characteristics, the following average climate conditions shall be maintained (23°C+3°C –
50(+20)%RH). The MDC should have been working for 0,5 hour before check.
We recommend that you have this control made by our after-sales service for the best service and preservation of
the measuring quality of your instrument.
When a field meter is returned to TRIAX, maximum service is provided with internal updating according to the re-
quired adjustments and software updates. In case of shift in the characteristics, your instrument shall be adjusted to
recover its original characteristics.
The packaging of this product is fully recyclable. Its design allows the transport of your instrument under the best
possible conditions. Please note that the original packaging should be additionally wrapped in case of transport by
air, road or postal.
According to the consumption law of March 17, 2014, Article L111-3 and Decree 2014-1482 of 09/12/2014, TRIAX
informs you of the availability of spare parts of products placed on the market as of March 1, 2015:
Spare parts are not available to the consumer. TRIAX offers the supply of spare parts during repair by its service.
Consumable parts are provided according to the legislation applicable to them (case of batteries).
TRIAX is committed to providing parts or alternatives for a period of at least 2 years beyond the warranty period.