– MCT059 –
To obtain the best performance from this product please read this manual carefully.
For more information please contact our different services
Copyright TRIAX, 2017. All rights reserved.
Any total or partial reproduction of this document must be submitted for TRIAX written authorization.
Your instrument is guaranteed for two years for labor and parts against any manufacturing defect and/or functioning
hazard. This guarantee extends from the delivery date and ends 730 calendar days later.
In case of guarantee contract, this will cancel or replace these guarantee conditions hereabove.
The guarantee conditions by TRIAX are available on the website
. The general guarantee conditions
should prevail on the following conditions that they sum up.
This guarantee does not cover the result of any abnormal use, handling mistake or mistake in the storage conditions
outside the defined range.
In case of application of the guarantee, the user shall return, at its own expenses, the relevant appliance to our
And add a description of the observed breakdown to the appliance.
The standard supplies provided with the appliance (cables, outlets…), the consumables (batteries …) and the op-
tional supplies (suitcases…) are guaranteed for 3 months against any manufacturing defect.
Such items as a suitcase, a LCD screen or a touchpad are guaranteed only for a normal use.
The guarantee does not cover wearing, accidental breaks or consecutive to a shock or any abnormal use.
The factory options integrated to the appliance are guaranteed for the same duration as the appliance itself.
In case of replacement or repair of the product, the remaining guarantee duration shall be:
The remaining duration of the guarantee if the appliance is still under guarantee
If the guarantee duration is less than 90 days, the replaced part is guaranteed for 90 days
Any replacement part becomes the property of the user and the exchanged parts become the property of TRIAX.
In case of intervention by an insurance company, the product becomes the property of the insurance company upon
its exclusive request. Else, it shall remain property of the user.
The guarantee covers exclusively the materials manufactured and provided by TRIAX.
Any intervention by the user or any third party without prior authorization by the company voids the guarantee.
The user shall be responsible for the return of its appliance to our site. Hence, it shall provide for a conditioning that
shall correctly protect the appliance while shipping. It shall subscribe, at its own expenses, any insurance required
for the transport.
The TRIAX company reserves the right to refuse any product wrongly conditioned and not to take in charge any
break consecutive to the transport.
Particular case of the battery: There is a Li-ion battery as a standard equipment of this appliance. It shall not be
transported outside the appliance. In no case shall the user replace it. Its replacement in the factory is necessary to
check the charge system and the protective securities.
We thank you for your trust.