GPV 150 Serie
2.3 Safety
3. Installa#on
3.1 Local setup
3.2 Moun#ng
You must adhere to the Safety Precau#ons of EN 60728-11
Before you start working on the installa#on, turn off Mains Power to the circuit.
Only let an authorized Elecctrician do the Mains power plug installa#on if needed.
Never do Installa#on or Repair during Thundr Storms.
Always ground the network using the Grounding Terminal of the unit (Diameter
min. 4 mm
) or using the Building Groun#ng Terminal..
On remote fed Amplifiers, a voltage of 65 V is present on the Input.
Please only open the GPV 150 DL when the RF-cables at In– and Output has been
Before you start working on the installa#on, turn off Mains Power to the circuit!
Observe the safety precau#ons!
Mount the Amplifier...
Horizontal, free on the wall and so that the convec#on cooling of the unit
is not compromized.
On non-flammable material (Concrete or Brick Wall)
In a dusXree environment, protected against moisture and fluid.
(Drop– and spraywater)
Not in a spot with direct Sun radia#on (e.g.. On the Roof)
Not directly along with Heat Sources (e.g. Hea#ng Room)
In compliance with the highest allowed working Temperature
(measured at the Airflow under the Amplifier)
Wall moun#ng:
Fasten the a?ached moun#ng taps at the back of the amplifier, see
(Screws a?a-
Fasten the amplifier to its measurements (Distance between holes 194 mm, see
Fig. 1) on the wall
Create a grounding poten#al using the screw A and a sufficient fi?ed and stable
cable (diameter min. 4 mm
Connect the RF-Input B and the RF-Output C. Make sure you get perfect
connec#on between Coax cable and Connector.
Turn on the Mains Power to the circuit again.
Fig. 1 Moun$ng