GPV 150 Serie
In the box / DescripAon
Copyright © Triax GmbH
Copying and distribu#on only with prior wri?en permission from Triax Company
1 Amplifier including se]ng elements
2 Brackets for wall moun#ng
1 User Guide
GPV 150 D and GPV 150 DL
are High Output Distribu#on Amplifiers for use in CATV
distribu#on networks in mul#-dwelling premises primarily. Capabili#es for switching the
basic gains for downstream and upstream enable to configure the amplifiers for use as
line extender amp or in cascade in a line or trunk posi#on.
All func#onal parts of the Broadband Amplifiers GPV 150 D/GPV 150 DL like forward am-
plifier, diplex filters, return path amplifier as well as belonging the opera#ng and se]ng
elements are implemented on one board. Thus in generally you do not need external ac-
cessories for configura#on and opera#on of the amplifier.
State of the art 1 GHz technology
One-board technology: all func#onali#es implemented
Rotary switches and jumpers provide for readable, easy and reproducible se]ngs
of a?enua#on and equaliza#on, maintaining a non-breakable signal path down-
and upstream to avoid down-#me.
Downstream: 85...1006 MHz by max. output level 113 dBµV;
Basic gain selectable:
41 dB (Line extender) and 33 dB (Cascade Line amp)
Upstream: 5-65 MHz, max. output 120 dBµV 5 transponders DOCSIS 3.1 (Class D
“volle Last” nach KDG 1TS140; basic gain selectable: 32 dB or 26 dB.
Return path mode selectable: ac#ve / passive / off.
Implemented Cable Simulator using by plug in of standard PAD module
High quality F connectors complying with IEC 61169-24
-20 dB test points on input and output of the amplifier
High ESD and Surge protec#on
Low power consump#on due to high efficient switching power supply units
GPV 150 mains fed 190-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz
GPV 150 DL remote fed via RF input 28-65 VAC, 50/60 Hz
In the box