Refrigerate or freeze perishable foods immediately and do not leave them at room temperature.
The shelf life of dried foods such as nuts or grains stored and vacuumed will increase if stored in a dry place
away from direct light.
The oxygen and heat can cause rancidity of high-in-fat foods, so it is advisable to vacuum, seal and stored
them if you do not want to eat them soon. Before vacuuming fruits and vegetables (such as apples, bananas,
potatoes and root vegetables), it is recommended to peel them.
If you want to vacuum, seal and store some vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and fresh cabbage, you
need to blanch and freeze these foods before to keep them cool.
If perishable foods have been heated, thawed or non-defrosted, you need to consume them immediately.
The most suitable way to defrost food is to put it in the refrigerator until thoroughly unfrozen. It is not
advisable to defrost food in hot water, in the oven or in the microwave oven.
Will be harmful if you consume foods that have been left at room temperature for more than a couple of
hours, especially if they have been prepared with a thick sauce, vacuumed or stored in some oxygen-poor
environment. To cool the temperature of the food quickly, evenly distribute the vacuum bags throughout the
refrigerator or freezer.
Unplug the unit and wait until the complete cooling down of each part before
starting cleaning operations
o not use abrasive cleaners as this may scratch the surface of the unit. Clean the exterior with a damp cloth or
sponge and mild soap. To clean the inside of the unit, wipe away any food with a paper towel. Thoroughly
dry all parts before using the appliance again. The vacuum bags can be washed by hand or in the top rack of
the dishwasher to be used multiple times. Dry thoroughly before using.
Power supply: AC 230V, 50/60Hz. Power 165W
Suction power: -850 mBar (85 kPa)
Suitable for bags with max 31cm opening
As indicações seguintes são muito importantes no que se
refere à instalação, uso e manutenção deste aparelho;
conserve com cuidado este manual para eventuais futuras
consultas; utilize o aparelho apenas do modo indicado
neste manual de instruções; outro tipo de utilização
deverá considerar-se inadequado e perigoso; por isso, o
fabricante não poderá ser considerado responsável na
eventualidade de ocorrerem danos resultantes de uso
indevido, errado ou irresponsável.
Antes de utilizar, certifique-se da integridade do aparelho;
em caso de dúvida não o utilize e dirija-se à assistência
técnica autorizada; não deixe partes da embalagem (sacos
de plástico, esferovite, pregos, agrafos, etc.) ao alcance
das crianças, uma vez que constituem potenciais fontes de