
T E W -7 3 9 A P B O
rapaH Tin KOMnarni
rapaHTia KOMnaHii TR E N D n e t nowMproeTbca Ha fle^eKTM , ^ o
BMpo6HMKa, npu goTpuMaHHi yMOB e K cn n yaT a ^i Ta
o6cnyroByBaHHA npoTaroM BCTaHOBneHoro n ep io gy 3 MOMeHTy npMfl6aHHa. (npoflyKT: 06M eweHa rapaHTia: 3 poKu o6MeweHoi
rapaHTii (nowMproeTbca: npoTaroM 1 poKy Ha cunoBi a flam epM , gw ep e na wMBneHHa i KOMnoHeHTM BeHTMnaTopa oxonogweHHa)
noBHy Bepciro rapamiMHMx 3o6oB'a3aHb, a TaKow npaBa KopMCTyBana Ta o6MeweHHa npu e K cn n yaT a ^i gaHoro npogyKTy flMBiTbca
Ha Be6caMTi T R E N D net.com .
C ertifications
This d evice can be e xpected to co m p ly w ith P art 15 o f the
FCC Rules provided it is a ssem bled in e xact a ccordance
w ith th e in structions pro vide d w ith this kit.
O peration is su bje ct to th e follow ing conditions:
(1) This d evice m a y n o t ca use h arm ful interference
(2) This d evice m u st a ccep t any in terfe re nce received
in clu din g in terfe re nce th a t m ay ca use undesired
C €
W a ste electrical an e lectron ic products m u st not
b e disposed of w ith h ousehold w aste. Please
re cycle w h ere facilitie s exist. C h eck w ith your
Local A uth ority o r R etailer fo r recycling advice.
A pp lie s to PoE Products Only: This p ro du ct is to be connected
o nly to PoE netw o rks w ith o u t routing to th e outsid e plant.
T he M a n ufa ctu re r is n ot re sp on sib le fo r a ny radio o r TV
in terfe re nce caused b y u na uthorized m o d ificatio n s to this
e qu ipm ent. Such m o d ificatio n s could vo id th e u ser’s a uth ority to
o pe ra te th e equipm ent.
A dv ertenc ia
En tod o s nue stro s e qu ip os se m e n cionan cla ra m e nte las
ca ra cte risticas del a da pta do r d e a lim entacon nece sario para su
fun cio na m ien to. El uso d e un a da pta do r distinto al m encionado
p ue de p ro du cir d anos fisicos y /o danos al e quipo conectado. El
a da pta do r d e a lim e n ta tio n d ebe o pe ra r con vo lta je y fre cue n cia de
la energia electrica d om iciliaria e xitente en el p ais o zo n a de
T e c h n ic a l S u p p o r t
If you have any questions regarding the product
installation, please contact our Technical Support.
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product online. Go to TREN Dnet's website at:
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