PArAllel MoTion FenderS
HAndling, STorAge, inSTAllATion
And MAinTenAnce MAnuAl
Parellel Motion fender system 5
Handling 9
storage 11
Installation 13
Maintenance and Inspection
Appendix 21
references 23
Installation and
Handling, Storage,
Parallel Motion Fenders
Maintenance Manual
Trelleborg Marine Systems is a world leader
in the design and manufacture of advanced
marine fender systems.
we provide bespoke solutions for large and complex
projects all over the world. best practice design and
quality materials ensure a long, low maintenance
service life, no matter how demanding the working
and environmental conditions.
All fenders are supplied fully tested and meet PIANc
2002 guidelines. our pneumatic fenders are also
completely Iso17357-1:2014 compliant. our high-
performance solutions combine low reaction force
and hull pressure with good angular performance
and rugged construction.
Trelleborg’s fender systems can be integrated with
smartPort. smartPort by Trelleborg is a technology
platform that connects disparate, data-driven
assets, giving stakeholders a holistic view of
operations to power communication and decision
Take a smarter Approach to fender performance
with Trelleborg.