Product overview
Features and functions
Analog and digital (GAL)
An innovative timepiece with both analog and digital features in combination
with synchronized GPS clock, a practical sport watches that merges high-tech
design with leisure activities.
Digital (GL)
Digital time display with synchronized GPS clock, powered by high-capacity
battery that lasts up to 7-hour GPS actions, the GL model integrates all-weather
sporting more comprehensively, a practical sport watch that equally merges
high-tech design with leisure activities.
Embedded mini and powerful GPS chips can receive and decode satellite signals,
record and display coordinates of location, and even provides navigation
Dual time
Your TREKMATE watch can display two time data, T1 and T2, in different time
zones concurrently. You may select any two desired time zones and have them
automatically calibrated at specified time.
Sports mode
This is a powerful product for managing your outdoor exercise activities. You
may set up and review variety of data of each exercise session including: time,
speed, peak speed, distance, elevation, location coordinates and directions. You
may keep up to 10-20 hours of exercise tracking data. You may upload your
exercise tracking data to Track Star platform for management and permanent
record keeping.