©2015 tRAxOn teCHnOLOGies - An OsRAM Business. ALL RiGHts ReseRved. tRAxOn™, tx COnneCt®, ARe tRAdeMARks Of tRAxOn teCHnOLOGies. u.s. pAtents, e.u.
pAtents, jApAn pAtents, OtHeR pAtents pendinG. speCifiCAtiOns ARe suBjeCt tO CHAnGe witHOut nOtiCe.
installation Guide
06/15 v0.1
10 of 15
CAutiOn - unplug the power supply from the mains power before connecting any cables
as this can damage the products.
CAutiOn - Avoid looking directly into the Led light source at close range for your own
persons installing this product should make sure:
the installation complies with all applicable codes, state and local laws,
ordinances, standards and safety regulations.
the installation environment is carefully studied and suitable surge protection
measure(s) is taken.
He or she is qualified for the handling of electrical equipment.
do not attempt to install or use the product until installation instructions and safety labels
are fully understood. this product is designed for indoor and outdoor use.
ensure product operates within the specified temperature range. (Refer to 6. teCHniCAL
speCifiCAtiOn for more details.)
do not attempt to open the product. not user serviceable.
do not use the product if any part of it, or the power cables are damaged.
Only use product for specified voltage, do not exceed. (Refer to 6. teCHniCAL
speCifiCAtiOn for more details.)
Always maintain connection to ensure waterproofing.
if the product has been subjected to drastic temperature variances, for example, following
transportation, do not connect the fixture until it has reached room temperature, as
moisture condensation may cause electric shock and product damages.
when installing the products and system power supplies, please ensure they will not be
exposed to moisture and extreme heat (and direct sunlight for outdoor products). Besides,
keep a clean operating environment for the fixtures and system power supplies.
please study this installation Guide thoroughly and check the latest technical specification
sheets available from the traxon website www.traxontechnologies.com before setup.
Any non-compliance of the installation Guide will void the traxon warranty.