7. Cleaning
The frame should be wiped clean with soap and water. After cleaning the wheelchair should be wiped with a dry rag.
Do not allow the chair to air dry. Leaving the chair to air dry and not ensuring the entire chair is completely dry may cause
the frame and components to rust. Solvents such as those found in spray lubricants should not be used on IKON wheelchairs
as they can damage moving parts.
The frame should be regularly inspected to find damages of the paint which may cause corrosion. In case of any visible
frame damages (cracks, painting defects etc.) ask your local dealer for diagnostics and maintenance.
The seat and the backrest are made of a very durable strengthened nylon. The seat upholstery can be easily extracted by
removing the screws from the frame tubes. The backrest upholstery can be removed by removing the screws from the
backrest tubes. The seat and the backrest upholstery can be cleaned with soap and water.
Normal dirt on the metal and the plastic parts can be removed with standard cleaning agents and sponge or soft rag.
Frequency and method of cleaning the chairs should be determined by facility infection control protocols. If visibly soiled,
thoroughly clean the chair immediately as per the cleaning instructions in this manual.
The cleaning instructions in this manual are guidelines only. Results may vary under actual conditions. The information
does not relieve the user of proper and safe use of the product and all cleaning agents and consideration for the overall
cleaning maintenance of the chair. Cleaning and care instructions must be followed in conjunction with facility infection
control protocols.
Warranty or liability claims on chairs will not be accepted if the product has not been cleaned according to the instructions
or cared for in proper regard for patient, caregiver and third-party safety and hygiene. The use of certain agents may be
harmful to the surface appearance and lifespan of the upholstery.