Table 5
NOTE If necessary to achieve the IMMUNITY TEST LEVEL,
the distance between the transmitting antenna and the ME
EQUIPMENT or ME SYSTEM may be reduced to 1 m.
The 1 m test distance is permitted by IEC 61000-4-3.
The MANUFACTURER should consider reducing the minimum
separation distance, based on RISK MANAGEMENT, and using
higher IMMUNITY TEST LEVELS that are appropriate for the
reduced minimum separation distance. Minimum separation
distances for higher IMMUNITY TEST LEVELS shall be calculated
using the following equation:
Where P is the maximum power in W, d is the minimum separation
distance in m, and E is the IMMUNITY
a) For some services, only the uplink frequencies are included.
b) The carrier shall be modulated using a 50% duty cycle square
wave signal.
c) As an alternative to FM modulation, 50% pulse modulation at
18 Hz may be used because while it does not represent actual
modulation, it would be worst case.
E= 6
d P