XL-424 Operating Manual
TAPMATE XL-424 SET-UP FOR 4" - 12" taps:
For instructions on attaching the Large Adapter Bell (for 14" - 24" taps), turn to page 14.
1. After the Small Adapter Hub has been securely attached to the
Lead Tube, check the TapMate Adapter Bell to be sure that the
o-ring is in neck of the adapter.
2. Screw the appropriate size and style Adapter Bell onto the end of
the Adapter Hub. You should feel the o-ring compress as you
finish threading it onto the Adapter Hub (see drawing at left).
3. There are four set screw holes around the neck of the adapter bell.
Continue to thread the adapter on until the next hole is over the
flat slot on the top of the hub.
4. Insert one set screw into the hole located above the flat and use a
” allen wrench to tighten the set screw (see drawing at left).
The set screw must bear ENTIRELY on the flat of the Small
Adapter Hub. Otherwise, damage to the threads of the Hub under
the set screw may occur, which in turn will make the Adapter very
difficult to remove. Further damage to the threads of the Adapter Bell
may also occur as you unscrew it from the Hub.
5. Remove the Brake Tube Locking Bolt from the Brake Tube
(see drawing at left). This will allow the Brake Tube
to rotate seperate from the entire machine. Remove the back
workstation brace. Leave the front workstation brace in place.
Adapter Bell
(4" - 12")
Brake Tube
Locking Bolt
Rear Brace