Rev. 10/07
Dickson warrants that the products it sells will be free from defects in material and workmanship under
normal use and service for a period of twelve months after delivery. In the event of a claim under this
warranty, the product or part must be returned to the factory for repair or replacement (shipping pre-paid)
with a Return Authorization Number (see Return Information above). It will be repaired at Dickson’s option
without charge. This warranty DOES NOT cover routine calibration, pen, chart and battery replacement. The
foregoing warranty and remedy are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties either expressed or implied.
Dickson shall not be liable for consequential or incidental damages resulting from failure or malfunction of
its products. Dickson makes no warranty for products not manufactured by it or for any products modified by
buyer, or subject to misuse or neglect.
Factory Service & Returns
Contact the factory (630-543-3747) for a Return Authorization (RA) Number before returning any
instrument. The model number, serial number and a purchase order number will be requested before an RA
number is issued.
Carefully repack the instrument, label the outside of the box with the RA# and return the instrument
(freight pre-paid) to Dickson.
All instruments that do not have the RA# clearly marked on the outside of the box will be refused.
When returning instruments for credit, please include all accessories in shipment.
Calibration/Freight charges are non-refundable.
NOTE: Dickson shall not be liable for consequential or incidental damages resulting from failure or
malfunction of its products.
Customer Satisfaction
Dickson takes pride in providing you, the customer, with the highest quality instrumentation. We welcome
the opportunity to help you in any way possible. Whether it be a question or a new idea in documentation,
the Dickson Company would like to hear your response. Please call our Customer Service Department at
1-800-323-2448 or (630) 543-3747 (in Illinois).
Software Return Policy
-Read your Software License Agreement carefully before installing software. DIckson will accept
returns for replacement of defective disks and CDs only.
Phone: (630) 543-3747 • E-mail: [email protected]
& C