The water source heat pump model
WPWD (water-to-water) offers a
range of capacities from 2 tons to 6
tons. All units are housed in one
standard compact cabinet.
The cabinet, which allows easy ac-
cess for installation and service, is
constructed of heavy gauge metal.
The cabinet finish is produced by a
corrosion resistant electrostatic
powder paint coating in the color
“soft dove”.
The top half of the diagonal cabinet
is removable for access to the inter-
nal components by removing two
screws. (See Figure 1).
Figure 1: Unit access
To reduce condensation and com-
pressor noise, the cabinets are in-
sulated with 1/2-inch thick,
neoprene backed, acoustical fiber-
glass insulation.
The model WPWD contains a high
efficiency scroll compressor for reli-
able and efficient operation. The
scroll compressor’s unique design
lends itself to having one of the low-
est sound levels in the industry.
The compressor is internally isolat-
ed and placed on a stiff base plate
designed to further reduce vibration
noise. As an added benefit, the
WPWD cabinet includes full length
channel stiffeners underneath the
Heat Exchanger
The water to refrigerant heat ex-
changers are made of stainless
steel brazed plate. This design pro-
vides a larger amount of surface
area for heat exchange between
the water and the refrigerant. (See
Figure 2 for cut-away).
Figure 2: Brazed plate heat ex-
All low-side copper tubing in the re-
frigeration circuit is insulated to pre-
vent condensation at low entering
liquid temperatures.
Filter Drier
A filter drier is provided in each unit
for dehydration and cleaning of the
refrigeration circuit. This feature
adds to the unit life.
Expansion Valve
As standard, Trane provides a bal-
anced port thermal expansion
valve. This valve precisely meters
the refrigerant flow through the cir-
cuitry to achieve the desired heat-
ing or cooling over a wide range of
fluid temperatures.
Water Connections
All water connections feature
1-inch brass swivel connectors. Be-
cause the connectors are swivel, a
back-up wrench is not necessary
when tightening.