1. Connect the universal serial bus (USB) cable between the laptop and the UC600, or to an
equipment control panel USB port that is connected to the controller.
2. Click either the Tracer TU desktop icon or the Tracer TU program item in the Tracer TU group
on the Start menu. The Tracer TU splash screen displays briefly, followed by the Connect
dialog box.
3. Select the Direct Connection (USB cable) radio button, if it is not already selected.
4. Click the Connect button and the Unit Summary page displays after successful connection.
To connect to the UC600:
1. Select the Controller Settings Utility tab from the vertical tab set located on the right side of
the Tracer TU window.
e:: The content of this screen is based on the type of controller that is connected and the
system protocol used to communicate with the controller.
2. Enter a meaningful name for the controller.
3. Click the Controller Units expanding box label to display its contents.
4. Select the preferred units of measure for data communicated across the BACnet link.
5. Click the Protocol expanding box heading to display its contents.
6. Select the preferred Baud Rate in the drop-down list box.
e:: The UC600 device supports four baud rates: 9600, 19200, 38400, and 76800 buad. The
default baud rate is 76800 baud.
7. If software Device ID is required, check the Use Software Device ID box and enter a BACnet
Device ID.
8. Click Save.
9. Cycle power to the device to have the new value take effect.
MS/TP MAC Address
Each device on a BACnet MS/TP network must be assigned a unique physical address. This is
referred to as the Media Access Control (MAC) address. The BACnet Standard defines the valid
address range of a MS/TP master device as zero (0) to 127. All Trane devices are master devices.
When a Tracer SC device is present on the MS/TP network, Trane restricts the use of the zero (0)
MAC address. This address is assigned to the Tracer SC and cannot be changed. All other
BACnet MS/TP master devices, including the UC600, must have a MAC addresses within the
range of 1 to 127. The three (3) rotary switches on the front of the UC600 device are used to set
the MAC address. Refer to the section,
Failure to assign a unique address to each device on the network will cause network
communication failure.
BACnet Device ID
3rd Party BAS Integration
Each device on a BACnet internetwork must be assigned a unique logical address. This is
referred to as the BACnet Device ID. The valid address range is 0 to 4,194,392.
There are two methods to set the Device ID for a UC600:
Via the rotary switches (refer to the section,
Software configuration
From the factory the software method is disabled. In this state, the BACnet Device ID will be the
value represented by the three (3) rotary switches on the front of the device. In this state, the
MAC Address and Device ID are the same value.