824 Programmable Wi-Fi Comfort Control
5.4.7 Group 7 Lockout Settings
An Outdoor Temperature Sensor must be enabled for Lockout settings to be selectable.
Auxiliary Heat Lockout
[Disable], Enable
Enable auxiliary heat lockout (10° minimum separation when enabling
auxiliary heat lockout and compressor heat lockout)
Auxiliary Heat Lockout Setting
32°F to 70°F Degrees [45°]
Select an outdoor temperature to prevent auxiliary heat above the selected
outdoor temperature
Compressor Lockout
[Disable], Enable
Enable compressor heat lockout (10° minimum separation when enabling
auxiliary heat lockout and compressor heat lockout)
Compressor Lockout Setting
5°F to 70°F Degrees [30]
Select an outdoor temperature to prevent compressor heating below the
selected outdoor temperature
Defrost Heater Balance Point (W1)
[Disable], Enable
Enable defrost heater balance point for W1, W2 and W3 (only applicable
when indoor heat is electric or hydronic)
Defrost Heater Balance Point (W1)
40°F to [55°F]
Select an outdoor temperature to disallow 1st, 2nd and 3rd stage of indoor
heat during defrost above this temperature
Defrost Heater Balance Point (W2)
[Disable], Enable
Enable defrost heater balance point for W1 and W2 (only applicable when
indoor heat is electric or hydronic)
Defrost Heater Balance Point (W2)
10°F to 50°F [40°F]
Select an outdoor temperature to disallow 2nd and 3rd stage of indoor heat
during defrost above this temperature
Defrost Heater Balance Point (W3)
[Disable], Enable
Enable defrost heater balance point for W3 only (only applicable when indoor
heat is electric or hydronic)
Defrost Heater Balance Point (W3)
[5°F] to 45°F [25°F]
Select an outdoor temperature to disallow 3rd stage of indoor heat during
defrost above this temperature
Compressor Cooling 1st Stage Lockout [Disable], Enable
Enable compressor cooling 1st stage lockout
Compressor Cooling 1st Stage Lockout
80°F to [120°F]
Select an outdoor temperature to force the system to 2nd stage compressor
Compressor Heating 1st Stage Lockout [Disable], Enable
Enable compressor heating 1st stage lockout
Compressor Heating 1st Stage Lockout
0°F to [50°F]
Select an outdoor temperature to force the system to 2nd stage compressor
Furnace Heating 1st Stage Lockout
[Disable], Enable
Enable furnace heating 1st stage lockout
Furnace Heating 1st Stage Lockout
0°F to [50°F]
Select an outdoor temperature to force the system to 2nd stage furnace
5.5 Service reminders
Reminders can be enabled to trigger an alert when service
is required. The reminder is time-based and can be
configured on system run time or calendar days. Reminders
can be configured for humidifiers, filters, ventilation
systems, UV lights and HVAC system maintenance. The
type of reminders available are based on the accessories
enabled in the installer settings.
5.6 Dealer Code
When an 824 Control is connected to the Internet, a Dealer
Code can be entered to auto-populate the dealer’s contact
information and logo. The code is the dealer’s registered
phone number listed on ComfortSite. The Dealer Code is
also used to associate this device with a specific dealer on
the Dealer Diagnostic Portal.
5.7 Software updates
To take full advantage of the features and benefits of the
824, the Control should have the latest software revision
When the 824 is connected to a Nexia™ Home Intelligence
account, software updates will occur automatically and do
not require user intervention.
The software may also be manually updated. This
procedure requires a computer with an Internet connection,
a USB Flash Drive and the included USB connector. From
the computer, go to www.Trane.com/residential and select
Thermostat & Controls. Click on the 824, select Download
Latest Version Software and follow the on-screen prompts.