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Figure 2

Figure 1

Figure 3

NO TE:  Illust rat ions  m ay va ry f rom  t he act ual unit  b y ca b inet  and  heat er s ize .


Figure 4

Figure 5

1. R emove the upper access panel from

the fan coil unit.

2. R emove the cover plate from the fan coil opening

and save the screw s for the nex t step.  I nstall the

heater k it and secure the element plate w ith the

2 screw s removed from the cover plate plus a 3 rd

screw  provided w ith the k it.

4. Connect the electric heaters to the air handler

using the Heater K it Plug. Connect high voltage to

the circuit b reak er lugs and ground lug per the

w iring schematic and air handler installation guide.

3 . I nstall the electronic-control into the space on the left

hand side and attach w ith screw s provided in the k it.

5 . Cover the upper access panel on the  fan coil unit.
