Before getting into the nuts and bolts of how to
work with your Master Scheduler, let us take a brief
look at some of the rules it can play:
1. Your installer, (of a zoned system) may have
chosen to use an analog sensor, (thermister)
to control one or more of the zones. He would
then utilize the Master Scheduler as an
interface between the analog sensor
and the system controller, which is
designed to communicate with a digital
thermostat. He could also use the Master
Scheduler as one of the zone thermostats, if
desired. (in addition to its interface role.)
2. When programming setback times and
temperatures, (which we will soon be doing,)
the Master Scheduler can be used to copy
this data from any period to any other period,
in the same zone, other zones, or all zones (a
real time saver).
3. On a zoned system, the Master Scheduler
can be used to override any or all zone
thermostats. (It takes local control away from
the thermostat and substitutes your input to
the Master Scheduler.)