In this example, water is cooled down to 7 °C, and the energy taken from the water is
used to heat the water in the heating system to 60 °C.
Collecting heat
The heat pumps can use various heat sources for collecting heat, for example:
● recovered waste heat at refrigeration plants to generate hot water, thereby
substituting valuable primary energy
● outdoor air, together with an outdoor cooling unit
● recovered waste heat from municipal or industrial waste waters
● industrial process waters
● flue gases from power plant and central heating plant boilers
● heat from ground or waters.
The recovered heat can, for example, be channelled into the district heating network,
improving the efficiency of the plant and increasing the total heat output. The free heat
sources can be put to use for heating spaces and producing hot water, among other
things. The heat pumps can utilize these heat sources and produce valuable heating
energy for industrial processes or to be sold out.
Under the operation period, the heat source circuit fluid warms up during circulation.
The collected heat is used to vaporize the refrigerant in the heat pump unit.
Our heat pumps provide an energy-efficient cooling solution for air conditioning, for
cooling computer server rooms, and in industrial processes. They can provide energy-
efficient refrigeration for industrial applications, ice rinks, or supermarkets.
Cooling ver. 1
38 (61)
EXERE01 2150EN