5. Power Wiring
6. Drive Line-up Status
The power cable connections to the drive, motor and isolation transformer adhere to CEC, NEC,
IEC, or appropriate local standards and/or regulation.
To be completed by Electrical Contractor.
The cable terminations, if stress cones are used, adhere to the appropriate standards.
Appropriate cable insulation levels are adhered to, as per Rockwell Automation specifications
(refer to the tables on page 2–29 of Rockwell’s User Manual for cable insulation requirements).
All shields for shielded MV cables must be grounded at both ends.
If shielded MV cables are spliced, the shield must remain continuous and insulated from ground.
All wire sizes used are selected by observing all applicable safety and CEC/NEC/IEC regulations.
All power connections are torqued as per Rockwell Automation Specifications (refer to the
Torque Requirements listed in
All customer power cabling has been Meggered or Hi-Pot tested before connecting to drive
Power wiring phase rotation has been verified per the specific electrical diagrams supplied by
Rockwell Automation.
The medium voltage and low voltage power is available for start-up activities.
Strongly recommended that full load is available for full-load testing at start-up. Drive
Commissioning final setup requires full load.
Notes or Comments: