Figure 55
shows the normal transition from Running to shutting down due to the Evap Leaving water temp falling be-
low the differential to stop setpoint.
Operational Pumpdown is required if the Outdoor Air Temperature is less than 50F, or the Entering
Evaporator Water Temperature is greater than (outdoor air temperature – 10°F). With AFD, compressors
will be at max speed for operational pumpdown.
Operational pumpdown is terminated normally in the following configurations when:
Water with 2-Pass Evaporator:
-The evaporator (suction) pressure is at or below the “Pumpdown Termination Pressure” setting OR
LERTC saturated pressure (28.6F), which ever is greater
-The condenser (compressor discharge) pressure exceeds 315psia.
-The compressor pressure ratio exceeds 8.
-The system differential pressure exceeds 265psid or < 25min.
Glycol with 2-Pass Evaporator:
The evaporator (suction) pressure is at or below the “Pumpdown Termination Pressure” setting OR
LERTC saturated pressure (per guidance -5F minimum), which ever is greater
-The condenser (compressor discharge) pressure exceeds 315psia.
-The compressor pressure ratio exceeds 8.
-The system differential pressure exceeds 265psid or < 25min.
Water with Single Pass Evaporator:
-The evaporator (suction) pressure is at or below the “Pumpdown Termination Pressure” setting OR
LERTC saturated pressure (32F), which ever is greater
-The condenser (compressor discharge) pressure exceeds 315psia.
-The compressor pressure ratio exceeds 12.3
-The system differential pressure exceeds 265psid.
Glycol with Single Pass Evaporator:
-The evaporator (suction) pressure is at or below the “Pumpdown Termination Pressure” setting OR
LERTC saturated pressure (per guidance -5F minimum), which ever is greater
-The condenser (compressor discharge) pressure exceeds 315psia.
-The compressor pressure ratio exceeds 12.3
-The system differential pressure exceeds 265psid.
The maximum allowed time for Operational Pumpdown is Max Pumpdown Time setting (default to 120
sec.) * number of compressors configured on the circuit.
Shutting Down
Last Circuit Mode: Shutting Down
SubMode: Operational Pumpdown
Last Circuit Mode:
Both Circuit Modes:
Waiting for Need to Cool
At Min
Differential to Stop is Met
Operational Pumpdown
(See max time allowed below)
Fully Close EXV
Send Stop Command
To Compressor(s)
No Pumpdown Required
Turn Off Last Circuit’s
Condenser Fans
Normal Pumpdown Termination
Criteria is Met for Last Circuit
Enforce All Non Running
Mode Diagnostics
Close EXV
(0 to 25 Seconds)
Check for
Normal Pumpdown
Termination Criteria Met
Perform Operational
Pumpdown for Last
Circuit if Required
Figure 55. Sequence of events: satisfied setpoint