To change an equipment setting, follow this procedure:
1. Touch one of the button in the Equipment Settings
column on the Settings screen, such as Chiller Set-
tings. The corresponding screen appears (in this case,
the Chiller Settings screen).
2. Touch the button that shows the equipment setting
you want to change. A screen that allows you to
change the equipment setting appears. There are two
types of these screens:
a. For screens with button selections (
Figure 34
touch the button that represents the setting you
want. The button becomes shaded, and a Save
button appears at the bottom of the screen.
b. For screens with numerical keypads (
Figure 35
touch the appropriate numbers to change the
current value. The new value appears above the
3. Touch Save to complete the change. The current
value is updated in the upper left side of the screen,
demonstrating that the change has been communi-
cated to the Tracer UC800 controller. The screen you
were previously viewing appears.
When you enter a new number, the value in the New
eld is deleted and replaced with the new en-
The backspace (arrow) key deletes the characters you
previously entered.
If the keypad is used to enter a setpoint that is out of
range, an error dialog will appear when you touch
the Save button.
Keypads that allow negative numbers have positive
and negative number (+/-) keys.
Figure 34. Equipment setting screen (Chiller setting
Figure 35. Chilled water reset type screen
Figure 36. Changed chilled water setpoint screen