• Carefully remove the cap in order to avoid damaging the other components of the
pressure indicator system.
• To facilitate the task of putting a new silicone cap in place, apply a thin layer of cooking
oil to the indicator pin holder (figure 14).
• Fit the new silicone cap over the pin holder until the pin is completely covered (figure
15), making sure that the silicone cap fits all the way down and fits firmly on top of the
pressure indicator pin (figure 16).
3 Safety valve: This valve is triggered to
release pressure when the working valve
is obstructed. In this case, the safety valve
pin pops up, reducing the cooker’s internal
pressure. Figure A. When this happens, turn off
the stove, let the cooker cool down, and before
removing the lid, check that there is no pressure
inside the cooker. Then remove the lid. Remove
the working valve, clean out all the openings in
the steam vent and put it back in place. Return
the safety valve to its correct (original) position
by pressing the pin down. Figure B. Do not
resume the cooking process unless the pin is in the original down position. If steam is frequently
escaping from the safety valve without any obstruction of the working valve, the working valve
must be replaced with a new, original part.
* If the safety valve is triggered, some liquid and food will spill out from inside the pressure cooker.
4 Lateral safety system: This system is triggered when both the
working valve and the safety valve are obstructed, creating excessive
internal pressure. When this occurs, pressure is released through
the opening on the side of the lid, which will push the sealing ring
partly out of place. In such an event, turn off the stove and wait for
all the pressure to be released. Then remove the lid and clean out the
working valve and safety valve. If the lateral safety system is triggered,
the sealing ring should be replaced. To replace this part, contact