• Product must be installed by a licensed electrician.
• Turn off the power and isolate the mains.
• Mark out appropriate position in the ceiling (ensure it is at a suitable height) and drill a
40mm hole. Pull through the wiring to be connected, ensuring there are no obstructions in
the ceiling space.
• Remove the transparent plastic cover that is covering the terminals.
• Loosening the screws in the terminal, connect the Active to the L terminal, Neutral to the N
terminal and Power to the switched load into the A terminal and tighten all screws. See the
detail in Figure 1.
• Replace the transparent plastic terminal cover into the original position and secure.
• To assemble into the ceiling, fold the metal springs of the sensor upwards until they are in
the position shown in step 3 of Figure 1. Then position carefully into the hole in the ceiling,
ease the sensor up gradually and the springs will release and pull the sensor into place.
• After installation, the sensor can be connected to power and you can commence testing and
adjusting the settings by removing the front cover to adjust the small pot knobs.
• Turn the TIME knob anti-clockwise to the minimum, turn the LUX knob anti-clockwise to the
maximum ‘+’ (day/bright light)
• Turn on the power, the sensor will switch on and warm-up, 30 sec later, the unit will be
entered into the functioning AUTO state.
• 5-10 seconds after the light goes out for the first time, the unit will start sensing, the load
connected should switch on if triggered.