MD1064 Rev. F
24 of 32
“Not Used” bits are always set to 0.
“Not Used” bytes are always set to 0.
Bytes 0-2
These bytes describe the current status of each channel in the system.
A Channel Warning is generated when a GM tube has failed. Command 158
Read Channel
Status and Command 159
Read GM Status can be used to obtain further information.
“Not Found” means that the PRI150 configured for the associated channel could not be
communicated with.
“Configuration Mismatch” means that the connected channels GM tube configuration (i.e.
number of stages and type) does not match the configuration.
“Hardware Write Protect Set” means that the connected channels hardware write protect
has been enabled. This is done via a jumper on the PRI150 processor board. Please refer
to the PRI150 installation manual for further information on disabling the hardware write
“Incorrect Firmware Version” means that the connected channels firmware version is not
new enough to allow operation with the Optimus™ control module. At the time of writing
the minimum firmware version is V11.
Byte 3
“RTC Fault” bit can b
e set when:
The value returned by the RTC has changed in an unexpected manner. This could
be due to the battery backup failing.
The RTC has never been set.
“Radiography Detected” means that a radiography event has been detected. Command
Read Radiography Status can be used to obtain further information.
“Build Up Alarm” means that build up on a single stage has exceeded the configured
maximum allowed build up value.
“Stage Failure” means that at least one stage in the system has failed. Refer to Comman
Read Stage Failures for further information.
“Critical Stage Failure” means that a stage has failed that has been configured as critical.
“Linearisation Table Fault” means that the linearisation table has been incorrectly
“Trim Point Fault” means that the trim points have been incorrectly configured.